C2105 Be In Gent View 02 8bit

Aquafin processor

Sewage sludge processing installation of the biomass that remains after the purification of domestic waste water. The sludge mono-processor will carry out the end treatment of two-thirds of all Flemish sludge from domestic waste water.

  • Client: Aquafin
  • Location: Gent, Belgium
  • Program: Sewage sludge processing installation
  • Status: Building permit
  • Collaborators: FOSTER (BESIX/Indaver)
waste to energy diagram

The Aquafin installation is intended to process the biomass that remains after the purification of domestic waste water. This biomass, created by the growth of the micro-organisms that do the purifying work, contains a wealth of energy and raw materials The new installation, which should be operational in 2026, will be able to make even more use of the biomass delivered to it. As this is a mono-processor, the sludge will not be diluted with other substances, enabling maximum recovery of energy and raw materials.

More information on the process

Csm foto RWZI 6c170dc281
(c) Indaver

The Aquafin building will be situated in the ArcelorMittal site who will purchase 100% of the steam produced by the sludge processor. For the steel company, this is an additional energy source for their internal steam network, further reducing the use of fossil fuels.

C2105 Be In Gent View 03 8bit
C2105 Be In Gent View 01 8bit
Eddy Soete, Dirk Hendriks, Michela Mattioni, Koen Maertens, Benjamin Delaey, Algirdas Ramonas

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