HORTA garden lowres

Regenerative development

Our design proposal for Bridge City in Brussels is inspired by the concept of bridges—structures that unite places, people, and ideas. With deep respect for the site’s heritage and existing structures, Bridge City will be a mixed-use development that integrates housing, workspaces, and retail, creating a vibrant community where people can live, work, and gather.

  • Client: City of Brussels
  • Location: Brussels, Belgium
  • Category: Community, Livelihoods
  • Program: Mixed-use project for residences, social housing, offices and a supermarket
  • Status: Design proposal
  • Building area: 16.500 m²
  • Collaborators: Ciril, Democo, &bogdan, Denc studio, aAD

Eight Ambitions for a Future-Proof City

By preserving the site's character while introducing innovative solutions, we are building a bridge to a future that thrives on connection, sustainability, and resilience.

Bricge City diagram natuur OYO clean

Urban Integration: Seamlessly Connected Spaces

Our vision involves a fine-grained approach to urban connectivity, transforming the small-scale intricacies of the urban landscape into a cohesive large-scale development. Thoughtfully positioned buildings and functions will form enclosed garden spaces (Hortus Conclusus), allowing sunlight to permeate deeply while insulating the inner areas from noise. The result is a harmonious blend of architecture and nature, enhancing both livability and vibrancy.

Bricge City diagram circulatie Sozy One OYO

Diversity in green open spaces: A Layered Landscape

We aim to create diverse, multi-level green spaces catering to public and private uses. By incorporating ground-level greenery, rooftop gardens, and vertical green facades, we ensure a variety of natural environments within the project. These spaces are designed to maximize biodiversity, offer retention for water management, and provide a continuous connection with nature at every elevation—ground level, raised platforms, and rooftops.

Verharding vs groen 03

From sun-drenched areas to shaded pockets, we will introduce a carefully curated variety of plant species tailored to each microenvironment, promoting biodiversity and creating a flourishing ecosystem where nature and urban life coexist in balance.

Honoring the Past: Preserving the Site's DNA

While embracing innovation, Bridge City will remain deeply respectful of its historical context. The design will maintain the distinctive character of the site, creating a finely grained architectural landmark that is visually striking from every angle. This respectful nod to the past ensures that the project remains rooted in the city's rich heritage.

HORTA street

A Neighbourhood Asset: Adding Value to the Local Community

Our proposal is deeply aligned with the needs and aspirations of the surrounding neighbourhood. The design 'reclaims' green spaces for public use, responding to community feedback gathered through a participatory process. By addressing key concerns like the lack of green areas, meeting spaces, and traffic congestion, Bridge City aims to enhance the quality of life for residents while contributing positively to the cityscape.


Living Apart Together: A Balance of Public and Private

Bridge City fosters social interaction and cultural exchange through its innovative blend of public, communal, and private spaces. Architectural design and flow distribution create a healthy balance between introverted and extroverted environments, allowing residents to enjoy communal areas while maintaining the privacy of their homes.

Community 01
A green forecourt with public character at the heart of the site
Community 02
Views from the public domain to the inner gardens enhance the green image of the street
Community 03
Activated roofs and plinths

Total Flexibility: Built for Change

The project is designed with future adaptability in mind. Smart structural solutions will enable Bridge City to evolve over time. A flexible, rational grid system supports both robust and removable structures, with circulation cores positioned externally. This flexibility allows for easy adaptation, facilitating future changes and new uses for the space.


Integrated yet Independent: Workable Management

All the diverse functions within Bridge City are woven into a coherent design framework. While the overall project functions as a unified entity, each component—from SLRB and CITYDEV offices to studios, shops, and businesses—operates independently with its own management and governance. This ensures efficiency and autonomy while maintaining a cohesive overall vision.

Bricge City diagram natuur OYO

Circularity: Building a Sustainable Future

We are committed to a circular design approach, prioritizing the reuse and conservation of existing structures. By focusing on the top tier of the 10R priority ladder, we aim to reintegrate materials and elements from previous developments, ensuring minimal waste and maximum sustainability. Bridge City places a strong emphasis on local reuse and recycling to enhance the project's environmental quality.

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Map indicating conservation and reuse of existing structures and materials
CENTRALE garden rs

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